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5. Managed Backup

Protect Your Data with ETech 7's Managed Backup Services

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What is a Managed Backup?

1. Managed Backup outsourced

A managed backup uses a third party managed service provider (MSP) to create and store backups of your data. There are a number of reasons a business would choose to create backups.

First, some industries may require backups to be created in order to be compliant with regulatory practice. The use of backups ensures that in case such data is called into question, it can be easily retrieved by the regulatory body. Sometimes companies are obligated to store their backups for several years, which can eat into available hard drive space. By using an MSP to store your backups, you free up space on your network.

Another reason that people are concerned about backing up their data is in case their computer network becomes compromised. Nothing stops work faster than corrupted or locked files. By having backups on hand, you can easily migrate your network to another hardware system without missing a beat.

Physical loss of data can also be devastating to a business’s workflow. The best way of ensuring your company against this sort of loss is to maintain both local and remote backups of your information.

What is the difference between a local backup and a remote managed backup?

Managed Backup

A local backup, or onsite backup, is a copy of your information that is stored on your business’s premises. This type of backup has the distinct advantage of offering low-cost protection for your information. Because the data can be transferred to your desktop through a wired connection, data retrieval times are comparatively faster than ones that are web-based. The problem with having a local backup is that it is usually prone to the same disasters that your primary data storage device is. If your hard drive gets stolen, then often, the local backup will too.

This is where remote backup can help business owners. By keeping a copy of your data in a geographically separate location, you can add another layer of security to your data retrieval plan. Although upload times for remote backups can be slightly longer than local ones, ultimately, your data will be safe and fully accessible for when you need it most.

What is an advantage of backing up my files with a company that works with small to medium sized businesses?

3. managed backup

One of the realities of the digital world is that there is always someone who is trying to break into your network. When a small company uses a larger data backup service, they may feel that they’re getting the most enhanced security features for their information. Despite the cutting-edge security in place, the backup company is still a tantalizing target for hackers. The larger they are, the bigger the target. Of course, this isn’t to say that a smaller managed service provider is completely immune from outside attack. Every company needs to maximize its own resources in ensuring that their information stays protected.

Another benefit of working with an MSP that works with small to medium-sized businesses is the individual attention you’ll receive as a client. Our technicians are available 24/7 for any issues that you might encounter, and can offer a personalized service when setting up your enterprise network.

Why would I use a managed backup service? I can manage backups myself!

4. managed backup cost

Some business owners might want to take matters into their own hands when it comes to data backups. This sort of thinking can be detrimental in the long term for the integrity of your business.

Here’s why: If you’re running a business, you probably have other matters to deal with instead of getting caught up in IT problems. When you have a lot on your plate, you’re looking to automate as many processes as possible to free up valuable time. By partnering with an MSP to manage your backups, you can reduce your own workload significantly.

By using a third-party to manage your data, you’re able to improve your security. Conversely, when you keep data in the hands of only one or two people, you’re putting a lot of faith in their reliability. What if that person takes a day off and you have an issue with your network? By using a managed service provider, you’re able to guarantee that your network is able to keep running 24/7, regardless of who shows up to the office that day.

How will the cloud help me with my managed backups?

5. managed backup

The “cloud” is a way of networking that allows your devices to interact with each other. When you send your backup through the cloud, you’re using online backup software to send your information. The cloud software can be configured in such a way to backup your data automatically as often as you’d like. Using the cloud is great for companies that want to streamline their data processing without increasing their IT responsibilities. The cloud can be used in conjunction with more traditional backup methods to give you greater peace of mind about how your data is stored.

Will my managed backups be secure?

6. managed backup

Making a copy of your data is only part of the battle against data loss -you need to make sure your data is encrypted and password protected as well. ETech7 uses end-to-end encryption so your data is secure both while in storage and during transmission. We also protect our client’s data against physical damage, by using durable storage drives that can withstand the most extreme conditions.

Free resources to help your business grow

Choose The Right IT Services
Download this handy guide to determine which IT plan is right for your company.


Free Disaster Recovery Plan
A documented backup plan if your company is left without access to its IT resources.


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“ETech 7 is outstanding among IT consulting firms because they bring a wealth of knowledge and maturity, a demonstrated work ethic and strong leadership skills to their work … they also carry a rare form of loyalty that I’ve seldom seen.”



“We've hired ETech 7 to setup our backup solution and found them to be a great asset. They hit the ground running quickly, work well with the team and gets results. The ETech 7 support team is just a phone call away and they treat our team-members with respect.”

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