One of the most important things that you should compare when looking at different web hosting services is their uptime. The uptime refers to the amount of time that a server is able to keep your website up. The last thing you'll want is for your website to go down, which can cause you to lose customers as well as sales. You'll want to find a web host that has an uptime score of 99.5 percent and above. Avoid hosts with anything lower than 99 percent uptime.
When looking around at different web hosting services, you're going to find that a lot of them are offering shared web hosting. This is a good option if your business is on the smaller end and you aren't in need of a lot of resources. Shared web hosting is an agreement in which multiple users share resources on the same server.
A dedicated server is going to allow your website to perform much better; however, the difference isn't obvious if you're not using a lot of resources
One of the tricky things about web hosts is that the initial sign up rate will look extremely affordable. Some of the most well-known shared web hosts in the business charge as little as two to five dollars a month for web hosting. However, these sign up rates. Once it comes time to renew, you may find that the rates are higher than before.
Although not all web hosts do this, it is considered common practice. Be sure to look through the terms of service to identify increased renewal prices. Usually, renewal costs will hover around $10 to $15 a month. It's worth noting that if you need a higher capacity website, then shared web hosting isn't going to cut it and you may need to pay upwards of $10,000 a year depending on your company's website needs.
You'll want to make sure that nobody can hack your website and steal valuable data, especially if you're collecting personal customer data. Unfortunately, not all web hosts provided added protection. Look for hosts that provide SiteLock Security, which is a feature that will help to block spammers and hackers from your site. Use a host that also provides plenty of backup options, such as daily backup features or even manual backup options, so that you won't lose important data when you update your site or if you're site is attacked by hackers.
These are two things that web hosts will often advertise. Bandwidth refers to the amount of data accessed while viewing your site. The more video or audio you have on your site, the higher your bandwidth requirements will be. Disk space is the amount of space available for users to store files on at any time, such as images, videos or HTML. The amount of media and interactions you plan on hosing will affect how much disk space you need. Your email account's storage will also be counted towards the disk space.
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